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Learn Meditation On Twin Hearts-Award-Winning Meditation

Meditation on Twin Hearts is one of the most powerful meditation tools for spiritual development. It is a true gift from the Great Ones.Master Choa Kok Sui

You might have been interested in doing Meditation because you want to achieve calmness and stillness, a healthier body, purer mind, or maybe to attract positive things. Whatever your intention maybe there is a simple yet effective technique that can take you there. We call it the Meditation on Twin Hearts. Meditation on Twin Hearts is one of the very advanced spiritual techniques, which was given to selected disciples in the past, and now made public through the valuable efforts of Master Choa Kok Sui. Global Pranic Healing.

When doing Twin Hearts Meditation, Divine Energy radiates throughout your Aura. Unwholesome emotions and thoughts are expelled and mind becomes calm and peaceful. Master Choa Kok Sui.

The duration of Twin Hearts Meditation is about 22 mins and it is a guided  meditation.  In this meditation, we activate our crown and heart centers to
bless Mother Earth and ourselves with transformative and soothing energies. We start by doing mild exercises to flush out any used or stuck energy from the meridians and make space for the fresh energy to flow through the body for happy and joyful meditation experience. The effect of this meditation is
cumulative and therefore the regular practice has a multiplying effect.

It takes time and discipline to train the mind and as we continue the practice regularly, we get used to inner stillness and calmness. We become a better version of ourselves with a greater influence on the people and things around us. You can bless certain areas in your life or places that need your attention. You do not have to travel to help as you can bless and serve. That way you feel you have contributed something to make a difference.

22 min of meditation can provide you with a boost in your overall energy levels up to 100-200%

Benefits of meditation on twin hearts: (The Pranic Healers)

  • Improved health Once the divine energy flows through you, it naturally flushes the used up and unwanted energies within your system; so after the meditation you become a fresher You.
  • Reduced stress, anxiety and depression Twin Heart disintegrates the unwanted emotions and thought-forms within your chakras and aura. It makes positivity and happiness come naturally to you.
  • Sharper mind and greater happiness Once the unwanted thought forms and emotions are out of your system, your mind becomes clear and your emotions more refined.
  • Increase your self-esteem When you become more powerful, you can do much more; so it helps you build a good image of yourself.
  • Improve your relationships As you bless the entire earth with loving-kindness, you will be filled with love energy. This love brings harmony to your relationships.
  • Become a divine channel The meditation creates an opportunity for you to become a channel to bless everyone on earth with a better life.
  • Increase good luck Once you make yourself available to serve, you create lots of good karma that shows itself in life as good luck.
